Welcome to White Rose Freedom Warriors

Educating you in options in health care decision making

What makes us tick…

The White Rose Freedom Warriors strive to educate all people about medical freedom while keeping a Biblical reference in mind.  We work to educate, advocate for, and help all individuals who are experiencing medical censorship, egregious government and employer interference with our civil rights which are secured by state and federal law and guaranteed by the United States Constitution. We additionally use the Good Book to educate all regarding natural law and God’s law which are th basis for our inalienable rights.

As a result of the assault on our core freedoms, the need for White Rose Freedom Warriors was established in August 2021 to provide support and information that will ultimately allow you to make well-informed medical decisions for yourself and your family.

Here are examples of the work we are doing as the interferences with core Medical Freedoms have escalated in the past several years

  • Assist and support employee groups facing compulsory vaccines without informed consent as to risks of the experimental shots. At present the Warriors have assisted at least 1750 healthcare employees under mandate to recieve the Covid vaccine to obtain a religious exemption so they could avoid receiving a shot that has not completed safety or efficacy testing, nor has it been approved by the FDA.
  • Locating and vetting local medical providers who will care for patients using science and the sanctity of the patient/doctor relationship to team up in making decisions regarding individual health care needs. Decisions are made with the patients’ desires and convictions in mind and not influenced by hospital system administrators, most of whom do not have a medical degree or a clinical relationship with the patient. Informed consent is an essential piece of this model.
  • Assisting and supporting parents in protecting their children from being coerced into gender affirming care that our children are exposed to in the public school system and which is supported by our government and many health care systems across the country. The aim of the current agenda is to groom our children to become sexual victims and to hate the body God has given them. The natural rights of parents in decision making for their children are God given and cannot be altered by government.

I hope you find the information here useful!


Tami Hartlaub


    • Webinars, in person presentations and other programs for community and faith-based groups on early treatment for COVID, child development and medical freedom resources.
    • Education regarding self sufficiency and alternative medicine approaches to illness, including the use of food as medicine.
    • Biblical presentations focusing on how the founding documents of our country are based in the laws of nature and God.
    • Continuously providing updated science based information regarding medical issues as it becomes available. This includes watching the horizon for additional medical concerns that become evident with time.
    • Assisting family members with ill and hospitalized loved ones being denied effective treatment who need referral to COVID-literate health professionals who will work in partnership with patients and families to deliver individualized evaluation and medical treatment the patient prefers.
    • Educate and support local, state and federal legislators whose belief system aligns with our own.


Tami has helped develop and deliver programs and workshops throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that have altered health outcomes for manypeople. She supported her co-workers while fighting to keep their jobs, yet retain their body autonomy during the Covid outbreak. Her leadership style is to build more leaders within the team and community and to respectfully but firmly decline any treatment modality that does not align with individual rights.


Tami has recently retired from 35 years in the field of nursing. She has worked in the emergency department, trauma, medical and clinical trials research. In addition to her role as a bedside nurse, Tami was also an adjunct professor for a local BSN program. Her most recent position has been as a forensic nurse examiner in which she has 17 years experience. She is internationally certified as an expert to care for adults and children who report sexual assault. She understands the emotional and mental damage that can occur with this type of incident. Tami has a masters degree in nursing with a focus on clinical trials research. In her capacity as a forensic nurse, she has testified as both a fact and expert witness.


Tami has stood against the agenda and speaks the truth to those who do not respect the rights of other citizens. She follows Biblical directives regarding following the law, body autonomy and protecting children regardless of the pushback she may receive.

God has equipped me to do the work He has brought me to. Without Him I am capable of nothing. I don’t have the talent, skill or knowledge to accomplish any of the things I have been tasked with. Yet, this group has met with so much success! Praise God! Tami Hartlaub

Philippians 2:13, NLT For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
