The Warrior Blog

Let’s Chat!

9/11/2023: Our first blog entry! Here we are with our own website. It took a long time to get this figured out, but we made it! Welcome back Freedom Warriors! I have missed you all! So much has happened since the last time we spoke! I don’t even know where to start! I retired on June 1st. I just want to assure all of you that I have not abandoned you. I have not forgot about you and I have not stopped fighting for you. My commitment to our cause has never waivered, but our communications did derail for a little while. BUT! I’m BAAAAACCK! So let’s get started!

Next, let’s talk about the vaccine. Quit rolling your eyes! You know we gotta! Did you know that Wellspan lifted this mandate in June? Isn’t it fishy they did all this stuff after I retired? Do ya think maybe they thought they were getting rid of me? Wishful thinking! BTW, I’m NOT suicidal! Here is my theory. They are lifting the Covid vaccine now. It will be reinstated in September or October. But this is now a bi-valent vaccine that is much different than the original monovalent vaccine. I think they will most likely require this vaccine and claim the religious exemptions previously filed as null and void because of this difference. Be prepared! There are some measures being discussed that may prevent this! We’ll see what happens.

The last big issue I want to update you on is my involvement in normalization and desensitization of our children to sex in the school districts. I know there are a lot of parents and grandparents who are very concerned about this and others who don’t think it’s going on in local schools at all. Well folks, it’s time to take those blinders off about this because it is happening in EVERY school district to some extent. We are going to talk about this more deeply over the next few weeks. There is a lot going on with this issue. Let me clarify that this indeed is a medical freedom issue so it’s right up our alley. Let me explain. As most of you know, I’m a forensic nurse examiner and prior to retirement, I cared for individuals reporting sexual assault (SA). This includes all patient populations from infant (yes, I said infant) up to elderly.

SA in children is insideous. The perpetrator will situate themselves intentionally where children are available, They may be friends, boyscout leaders, youth pastors, teachers, or just about anyone. They start to focus on their victim and will get closer and participate in activities the child likes. They develop a close relationship which allows for more intimacy. First it’s touching a body part, it might advance to some flirtatious activity and get more sexually explicit as time goes on. It is done gradually to normalize the behavior. Sometimes children are sexually assaulted and they don’t even realize what happened to them. They think it’s normal because they have been led to believe it is.

Now imagine if a child at a young age is exposed to conversations about sexuality preferences in school. Imagine if the older school age child is exposed to pornography in the school library. Children are suggestive and confused about a lot of things. Imagine adding more confusion by helping them to question their own God given gender.

Everything in schools is being set up to sexually exploit our children and normalize pedophilia. This early introduction through grooming can make it even easier for children to be sexually trafficked. Some of the worst pimps are parents who are trafficking their own children. Other times the child may continue to live in the home, but be pimped out on a regular basis by a family friend or relative, a boyfriend, a gang, or someone else. I’m not lying. I’m not exaggerating! It happens more often than you think. And it happens right here in south central Pennsylvania! The public school system skewed the thought of children even more by introducing their own grooming program through the public school system. Allowing pornography on the school library shelves and introducing gender confusion are strategic moves to increase the liklihood of sexual exploitation of the child. The plan is to normalize pedophilia. This is already being implemented by slowly increasing societal acceptance of this sexually deviant behavior. Do you know what MAP stands for? It is the left’s preferred acronym to describe a pedophile. A MAP is a Minor Attracted Person. Protect your kids! Go to school board meetings, Watch their social media, Know their friends. You just can’t do enough to protect them. So much more coming on that.

I think this is enough for a first post. Please take a look around and make yourself at home. Save the link to your favorites so you can check back often.

I think I brought back all the features of the old newsletter and improved on some things. Suggestions and comments are welcome. If there is something you would like me to include, let me know. Anything that you don’t feel should be included? I want this website to be like your sofa. It does it’s job, but is comfortable and provides support at the same time. This is your website and your blog. I am so looking forward to hearing from you!

Blessings Warrior friends!

We had a huge victory today folks! Some of you contacted me a few months ago with concerns about Wellspan security guards. Wellspan admin decided to remove the guard’s tasers and handcuffs from their duty belts and require clinical staff to assist security staff with issues. Clinical staff was to receive personal safety training. Now, I think personal safety training is a great thing, but I don’t think nurses should be required to step outside their position as a health care provider to do this. That’s why we have security personnel! It’s unsafe not only for the patient and visitors, it’s also unsafe for the staff.

I took this information to Mastriano’s office and asked for his help.His staff told to write a constituent letter detailing the issue. I asked a few Wellspan nurses to help write this up. We spent a lot of time and effort on getting this letter just right. We were a team of 4. Two of the nurses are still employed by Wellspan so we protected their identity to avoid retaliation. Sharon Reiff and myself are no longer employed there so we did sign our names to it. Here is a link to the letter we wrote. I am extremely proud of the work the team did on this paper.

It took almost 6 weeks for Wellspan to address all these issues. Just today, Wellspan admin (Bob Reilly, Keith Noll, and Dave White) had a meeting with Mastriano’s staff and got it straightened out. Their biggest excuse is that we “misunderstood” the entire memo that was sent out about removal of security defensive tools being removed from their duty belts. (Of course we did! Nothing but a dumb nurse, right?) Policy will be forthcoming (I’m watching for it!) Here are the “new” security changes:

  • All employees will be issued a panic button. (Think that’s already been done)
  • Additional security officers have been hired and more are going to be hired.
  • All security officers will receive additional training in use of tasers. There will be training provided to all security guards with 3 levels of competency. The highest level 3, will be the only level allowed to carry tasers. The other two levels will continue to train and advance until they pass their competency tests and are advanced to a level 3. Then they too will be allowed to carry a taser. According to admin, they are concentrating on hiring ex-police officers as guards. These guys and gals will test out with the taser and become a level 3 immediately if they pass. I am told the training is currently happening.
  • Another “misinterpretation” was that nurses are expected to assist security with issues. The personal safety training is only meant to enhance security involvement. (Seriously?) The personal safety training is to increase self awareness so the clinician does not put herself in a dangerous situation. The clinician should move out of the way when the security guard arrives and stay a safe distance until the security guard can secure the person. The nurse can then step in and give the person medication to sedate the patient. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been doing this my entire career with violent patients and I didn’t even receive any formal training for this!
  • Admin told Mastriano’s team that under no circumstances do they want harm to come to employees. Imagine that it took them 6 weeks to tell us we misinterpreted everything! This is a huge win for us! I’m so glad that my friends and co-workers do not have to participate with takedowns and can be safer in your work environment!

A few more things that the senator’s team addressed:

  • When asked about the intent of reinstating vaccine mandates, Admin stated that we are in an “end pandemic phase” that did not require masks or vaccines. They said the government no longer supported Covid vaccines and they would re-evaluate when needed. Keep an eye on this folks! If they try to reinstate Covid vaccines and they tell you that your religious exemption is no longer valid because the latest vaccine is manufactured differently do NOT take that vaccine! We go into phase 2 and will do exemptions all over again if we need to. Even this is removal of our rights as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 tells us a religious exemption dos not have to be renewed. We will battle this! And we will win! The new vaccines are no more safe than the previous round. DO NOT COMPLY!
  • Admin was also asked about the drag show that Wilson College in Franklin County is having and Wellspan is sponsoring. Mastriano’s team asked if they felt the drag show supported Franklin County values. They didn’t have an answer and said they will get back to them.

I’m so excited about this win! Mastriano’s team said Wellspan admin KNOWS I am watching them! And they know I am supporting YOU! So here is YOUR CALL TO ACTION: When Wellspan decides to implement a new unsafe policy or a violation of your rights, YOU have to let me know! I cannot guarantee you that we will win as big as we did today, but we have power now and through me, a voice. Let’s use it! We may not win them all! But we are no longer helpless. Let’s get some things done!

Although, I want you guys to converse with me and with each other here, I ask that if you do have an issue that needs to be addressed to email me directly rather than post it here. This is a public website. Wellspan may decide to troll it if they find out this site exists. ANYONE who gives me any information about any issue will remain anonymous. If we are going to battle, we don’t reveal the details of the attack.

Blessings Warrior friends!

9/15/2023 There is so much going on and it’s going to take awhile to get all of you caught up. I’m going to introduce a highly complex very important topic. If you have children or grandchildren in the public school system you should be concerned. Here is one more thing to be wary of.

Kooth! Bet you never heard of it. It’s a relatively new issue we found out about, but extremely important. Kooth is an AI, digitally driven, social media platform that was developed to provide online mental health support to children ages 11-24 in the UK about 20 years ago. They have revamped their product and now decided to introduce it to the US. For some reason, Pennsylvania was chosen as the state to pilot the Kooth operation within our country. In the US, their product is available to children ages 13 to 18 years of age.

The PA Dept of Health allocated 3 million dollars to support this pilot. The pilot includes 30 school districts in the state of PA, who are now getting Kooth free of charge thanks to this grant. Most of the schools in the pilot are in the Philadelphia and Wilkes Barre/Scranton areas. The closest school district to York County that is involved is Ephrata. School boards voted to be involved in this pilot.

The kids can access Kooth through any device. They sign up and develop their own private password. If the child is 14 or over, this can be done without parental knowledge because the age of consent in our state is 14 years old. Anything the child discusses with Kooth is confidential. In fact, it is so confidential that if your child is suicidal, they are not bound to tell the parents, but instead report to the school. What the school does with it is up to them. Kooth provided mental health support via message boards and forums, and it has a library that is open for use to any Kooth user. But again, none of this information is available to parents. If your school district has voted to provide Kooth service and your child is above 14 years of age, they may have an account and be receiving online mental health support from some completely unknown source. And you can’t stop them!

Let’s talk about age of consent: All states have different laws to determine age of consent. Some state’s age of consent is as low as 12 years old. Some are 16 or 17 years old. There are also other criteria that are taken into consideration. In our state, age of consent at 14 was essentially for mental health services. As a forensic nurse examiner, I’ve worked with this law for years and actually thought it was a pretty good law. It was built around the need for services for children exposed to sexual asssault or physical violence that might be happening from a family member. Depending on the relationship the child has with that family member, she or he may be prevented from getting help due to fear of retaliation by the perpetrator. The law allowed these children to come to a clinic and consent for services and exam without revealing it to their parental authority. The law was intended for good and as always, it has been interpretted entirely differently than intended.

I have loaded a bunch of introductory material regarding Kooth onto the reference page. All of the issues surrounding sexualization of our children are so important each one got it’s own subheading to make it easier to find the information. Stay tuned! More will be coming, but I don’t want to overwhelm you with this and I want you to understand it completely. Please be patient!

Blessings Warrior Friends!

9/25/2023 A few updates before I expand on additional information about Kooth:

Over the past few weeks, I have been contacted multiple times by people who are either still under mandate for the Covid vaccine or are looking for ways to avoid getting mandated flu vaccine, even if they have received it in the past. The first listings in our reference page are there to help with either of those situations. Please feel free to use them and feel free to pass this website on to others who may be benefited from it.

It’s important to know that a personal belief system is something that continues to develop throughout our life. It does not remain stagnant. Just because someone accepted the flu vaccine in the past does not mean the reasoning behind that choice cannot change. The references are written to help you no matter where you may be in your walk with life choices.

Next matter of business is the drag show at Wilson College that Wellspan is supporting. Once again, they are putting their support on the front page of the advertisement flyer. If you remember, Wellspan did this once before last year during pride week. I called them out and was “disciplined” for that.

A few weeks ago when they were called out by Mastriano’s office for their terrible security policy, his representatives asked them if drag shows for kids were supported by Franklin County values. They had no response and said they would get back to them. I gave them some time, but no response and I understand the flyer is under glass on a bulletin board at Chambersburg Hospital. So I outed them! This is the public post I placed on Facebook and I ask that everyone share it. I urge everyone to call Wellspan and complain about support of drag shows in child friendly events. They will comply with public pressure. They absolutely HATE negative publicity! Please help support our kids!

If you take a closer look at this flyer, you will once again see (right lower corner) that Wellspan is publicly supporting grooming and normalization events that are intended to sexualize our children. An organization that is our “premier” medical center in south central PA is using its power to support sexual exploitation of our children and prepare them for a life of sexual deviance and victimhood. The last time I called them out on this, I was still employed by them as a forensic nurse examiner. In my position, it was my job to provide services to children and adults who were sexually assaulted and to protect the vulnerable. My 16 years experience and dual international certification in the specialty of caring for victims of sexual assault and the science behind grooming behaviors in pedophiles tells me this is a prime example of prepping our children for a life of victimhood. Follow the science people! But yet, when I exposed their motives behind supporting a “child friendly drag show” for what it was, I was the one who was disciplined. Well, I’m retired now and I don’t give a flip what Wellspan thinks of me and I hope it does cause ALL kinds of turmoil with your friendly agencies and mars your community reputation. You can’t have it both ways, Wellspan! Get ready to do some damage control! You either support protecting our children and providing a safe healthy environment for them to grow up in, or you don’t! Looks to me like you made your choice. After being called out a few weeks ago by a legislator, I gave you time to backtrack your poor judgement. But since no action was taken, I guess we are seeing the true intent of this organization. Please feel free to share this everywhere and anywhere you like. Make those phones ring people! They said they had to do a lot of damage control last time. Make it happen again. Let it be known we expect more from our health systems and do not appreciate them supporting events that groom our children in preparation for sexual exploitation. This is NOT acceptable! Stop it now!

Tomorrow, I will be accompanying members of the PCIC (PA Coalition for Informed Consent) and a few members of the PA Citizen Advisory Board in Harrisburg on their monthly lobbying day with the legislators. Our focus tomorrow will be enlightening our legislators about the dangers of Kooth. Many are not even aware of Kooth’s existence or what its focus is. We have a list of legislators we are planning on talking to. If the government and our education system is so proud of this pilot study, why do you think they are keeping it sucha deep dark secret? Why is the Kooth website so difficult to navigate and tells us nothing? More to come!

Now more about Kooth. Who are those providing support and care to the children who develop an account and sign in to Kooth through their school district? They have an interesting concept of support people. They are not called therapists, counselors or even mental health professionals. They are all called “practitioners” which is sort of an odd word. On the Kooth Website, there is a list of practitioners along with their bio. Honestly, the bio for each practitioner sounds more like a dating app than a professional introduction. Most of the folks they employ enjoy long walks on the beach, can make a great lasagna and love cats. Information about education or experience providing mental health support to children is vague at best. Up until a few days ago, most of the bios included accepted pronouns for that individual. That page has since been shut down and now that it’s back, the pronouns are no longer included in the bios and there is a bit more information about previous experience, but not enough. I wonder why? I included a link to the practitioner bios so you can see for yourself.

On top of that, there is a very large presence of LGBTQ information and support. In fact, multiple pages on that topic. I have included a few links on the reference page under Kooth to respresent this aspect of the “care” they give.

Back to this practitioner business. Kooth advertises it is British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) certified. In researching this organization, it has found that this company was developed to provide education and certification to lay “practitioners” who provide mental health support. This organization was built to create a place for pastors and other lay people to get education to provide care to those coming to them for this support. They were not licensed and did not require a degree and still don’t. The eduacation is provided by BACP in order to become certified by BACP.

Kooth requires a 4 year degree in order to become a practitioner, but no advanced degree. The degree can be in social work or another associated specialty, but not necessarily mental health care or therapy work.The number of doctors or advanced practitioners who are over seeing the practitioners is questionable. It’s hard to pin down how many actual professionals are overseeing the rest of the staff. Most of the jobs availible for Kooth are under tech headings and not clinical positions.

Check out the new links!


It’s been awhile hasn’t it? Let me be clear, I’m not sitting on my laurels over here! I’ve been very busy with a lot of things. Here is the low down on what is happening:

I’ve been working with Senator Mastriano’s office on several issues. One is on the changes in masking and the re-introduction of mandatory masking in some institutions. The senator’s plan is to build a resource list that people can use in educating the administrators of the institutions that are once again pushing this. He asked me to write a document showing evidence of the lack of efficacy of masks in preventing Covid. Here is a link to the Google doc I sent to him. There has always been a lot of information out there showing masks aren’t protective against viruses, but most have been suppressed during the pandemic. This document supports this.

Did you hear about the latest regarding the Covid vaxx? It looks like Pfizer was not completely transparent with the FDA in what was used to produce the vaccine. Steve Kirsch reports a contaminant has been found that is from a Simian (monkey)source that permenantly changes DNA and causes autoimmune, heart and neurological symptoms in those who carry those DNA changes. Because this contaminant was not disclosed on FDA application, this once again makes Pfizer liable for those injured by the vaccine. I have included the information on our reference page. It’s number 26 under the Covid information. For anyone interested, Kirsch includes a list of attorneys who will represent clients in law suits regarding this matter. If this works out to be as big as it appears to be, this could be the smoking gun! Let’s hope it is!

Last week was very busy! I have joined forces with several other state wide coalitions to fight against Kooth. We are meeting with legislators and continue to build our argument on the dangers of Kooth. I wish I were at liberty to say more at the current time, but unfortunately think it would be in the best interest of the outcome of this issue to keep it quiet for right now.

After the lobby day, I was able to spend a bit more time at the capital to hear the press conference sponsored by Senator Mastriano to show support for Israel while a state resolution of support was read. Please see the pictures in the gallery.

On Saturday, I joined many patriots for another Mastriano sponsored event in Harrisburg to celebrate the accomplishments of the grass roots organizations. The speakers were dynamic! I just want to give all the Warriors hope! We have accomplished so much over the past several years! On the other hand, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Let’s take some time to celebrate and then regroup to finish the job! There are a few pictures in the gallery of this event as well.

Election day is just 2 weeks away. I urge each of you to get out and vote. We have to take our country back from the bottom up and since this year are mostly local elections many of the school boards may reflect that change we need if enough conservatives investigate the candidates and then vote accordingly. Many local governmental positions as well as state court judges. Please know your candidates and come out and vote!

Take a few minutes to look around the site. I’ve added a lot of updates on many of the tabs on the page. I hope you are enlightened and enjoy the new information!

In closing, I would also like to add that today commemorates the beginning of official journey for White Rose Freedom Warriors (AKA Wellspan Warriors) that started 2 years ago today when we had our very successful rally at Veterans Park in York. Over 700 people attended the rally and about 200-300 peacefully marched to the York Hospital as we protested illegal vaccine mandates. At the same time, our fellow Warriors had a rally at Wellspan entities from Chambersburg and Gettysburg hospitals. We were able to help over 1700 people obtain religious exemption from the Covid vaccine. Wellspan employs 23,000 employees. Initially, administration projected about 1% of Wellspan employees would seek and obtain a religious exemption. We blew that estimate out of the water! Well done Warriors! Happy anniversary!

Greetings Warriors! And Happy Thanksgiving to all! May your day be filled with love, fellowship and lots of good food. I hope all of you take the time to pnder on the many things you have to be thankful for. No matter what is wrong with our country, it is still the best and most free country in the world.

Let’s review the happenings of the last month. It’s been a busy one! I’m going to try to hit on everything is sort of a chronological order.

Election Day- I campaigned for the republican candidates for school board for the school district of Central York School District. The PAC had developed a full slate of republican school board candidates throughout the region that they supported and endorsed. Central was one of the only areas of contention within the county. I met with agressive and argumentative candidates at the precinct I was assigned to. By the end of the day, the constable was called to stand outside to ensure safety in the voting process. Just let me say, our election process is NOT supposed to be this way! There was a lot of confusion and chaos throughout the entire school board campaign for Central and that was reflected in the outcome. Their board was turned over to democratic control 7 to 2. This does not bode well for the students of Central School District. Please pray for them. On the up side, 6 other school boards flipped the other direction from Democrat to Republican. On the whole, it was a win! We’ll fix Central the next time around!

Legislative action- HB 301 was voted through the house, heavily amended by the senate appropriations committee where it was stuffed like a turkey with all sorts of bad stuff and then voted on by the senate and went back to the house for reconsideration due to more amendments.This bill started out as a bill to address derogatory language within the 19 page school code bill of 1949. Basically, they wanted to make it politically correct. Instead, they used this bill as a vehicle to try to push poor school policy including aspects of DEI and SEL through and morphed the policy into something it was never intended to be. Specifically, parental rights were violated in that they wanted to introduce policy to address mental health issues of the students without receiving consent from the parents. And the policy made no amends for how these mental health professionals were going to be identified and used throughout the school system. No small feat there considering how short staffed we are on mental health professionals anyway! We are still in the process of handling this. We have an action plan we are currently working on. The bill is due for final vote by the senate in the December session which is the 11th through the 13th. More to come on the success of this campaign to come! Just know this has been a fulltime job to get this right since I found out about it last Wednesday night. I ended up doing a deep dive into the bill and extracting all the nonsense and writing it up to educate our legislators. We once again will be joining with other state wide coalitions to get the word out. Once the educational point sheet is finalized, I will post it on our reference page. If you are on my Facebook page, you will see it there too. I ask you to spread the word and call your senators.

Latest Conference- Last Saturday I attended a Patriot Academy northeastern conference in East Berlin, PA. I would say about 150 people attended from all over the northeast. This conference was for those of us who are Patriot Academy coaches. Patriot Academy specializes in educational videos focused on teaching citizens about our founding fathers, the founding documents and how all of that connects with a Biblical worldview. The videos are upbeat, educational, interesting and fun. You are guaranteed to learn things you were not aware of before. The conference was hosted by Audit the Vote CEO Toni Shuppe who also happens to be the northeast regional director of Patriot Academy. This conference was to teach us different teaching methods and how we can enhance the experience for our students. It was an amazingly educational and funfilled day! I will be holding my next class starting in January. It will run 8 weeks. Please consider attending. I will post the link to sign up under the events page. I hope you will join us. It’s a life changing series!

That’s it for now!

Emergent Information!

First an explanation: Tabletop games are many times used in warfare, dealing with crisis situations and pandemic issues in order to ready the world’s agencies for a potential incident and allow for rapid response. They are fictional scenarios that are presented as real and each entity reports how they are going to approach it in order for the good of public safety. It sounds like a good thing right? Well, yes, but that depends on how it’s applied.

In 2019 Project 201 was a tabletop game where runaway Covid virus infected the world and how the 3 letter agencies were going to respond. Now we all know the actual Covid virus came on strong in our country in 2020 and we are still reeling from the ramifications of all that. I bet you didn’t know there was another tabletop game regarding a disease that once again hits the world in pandemic proprtions, but this time in the table top exercise, the disease is a bacteria that effects mostly children and young people and it attacks not only the respiratory system, but also the gastrointestinal system. What a spine tingling thought! I’m so glad it is only a tabletop game! The name of this project is Catastrophic Contagion. Except now, my greatest fear seems to be coming true. This is no more a fictional scenario than Project 201 had been.

Dr John Campbell of the United Kingdom has reported there are now many children in China who are coming down with pneumonia and or gastrointestinal symptoms stemming from a bacterial infection of mycoplasma pneumoniae that causes pneumonia and GI symptoms. He reports that initial research shows that the children who are most effected are the youngest infected and those who have a low vitamin A level. A low vitamin A level is not something we need to worry about in our country just yet. We get plenty of vitamin A and beta carotin which forms vitamin A in orange vegetables, as well as meat, dairy, and eggs.

I take this issue a step further though and would really like to know what gain of function studies have been done on this type of pneumonia. How simple would it be to alter that genome that increases infection when the vitamin A level is low? We just don’t know yet!

I wanted everyone to be aware of this so preparations can be made. Don’t give artificial supplements of vitamin A to your kids or take it yourself. This is a fat soluble vitamin that can build up toxic levels if taken in excess. Get it in your food! I would also recommend building up that immune system so your body isn’t a receptive host to this bacteria. Continue to take that Vitamin D3, zinc, Quercetin, elderberry juice and other immune building supplements. Do some research on your own and you will discover more immune building supplements and herbs. Please review the reference page under the new heading Pandemic 2025 for the details as we know them.

We cannot let ourselves get caught behind the 8 ball on this! Our children are at stake here! Remember, I said they are after our children? Yeah, well, sometimes I hate being right. More to come on this as I find out more details.


January 27, 2024

Happy new year everyone! May the new year be a blessing to all of you and may our team meet with many successes this year!

The year wrapped up with a less than stellar outcome with both HB 301 and 843 being voted through the house and the senate. Even after educating the senate about the issues with both of these bills only 7 senators voted against the bills, 2 of them were democrats. One of those senators voting nay was Doug Mastriano who has been a champion for the vulnerable from the very beginning. This only means we lost the battle and have to look to other strategies to make sure parental rights are maintained in the matter of mental health care with our kids.

Right after the first of the year, I was informed of some other very concerning bills that are being put into play by the house. Last week, the house held emergency committee meetings for the education committee to have informational hearings on the need for mental health services in our schools and to vote on school code bills that are focused on mental health issues. I attended both days of these hearings. There was lots of talk about DEI, SEL, the need for tons more mental health professionals (and essentially costing the taxpayers tons of money to recruit, educate and train the massive amount of professionals needed) and how the schools want to be linked with Medicaid to make sure they get paid as a mental health provider. (Is it just me or does anyone else think that with the poor job our schools are doing in educating our kids that they certainly should NOT be given the responsibility to treat our children for mental health issues? Mental health care is part of medical care and it totally outside the wheelhouse of the department of education)

At the same time, another emergency meeting held by the judiciary committee was being held to vote on stricter gun laws within the state. One of these bills states that anyone with a mental health diagnosis is prohibited from having a gun. It’s only a small step to take that to making it law that if anyone in the home has a mental health diagnosis, guns cannot be in the home. (You see where I’m going here?)

I have posted all the bills in the reference section under legislative section with the correct committee heading. Read them yourself!

Both committees voted to move the bills to the next step which is to have a full house vote for all these bills. Of course, they will pass these bills easily in the house.

Our only hope is to make sure they are voted down in the senate. To aid that, I wrote up a constituent letter to be sent to our state senators, which I highly encourage everyone to send. I already sent a copy to each republican senator in Pennsylvania, but the more letters they get, the better. Please copy and paste the constituent letter to the message area on your senators contact page and send it to him or her.

Since these bills involve our friends in the second amendment groups, I sent a letter to all the second amendment groups in the state as well. Hopefully, they will get behind us and support us in this venture. They have some very strong lobbiests in Harrisburg that help us maintain our rights. I hope and pray they lean on our legislators hard to avoid passage of these bills.

More to come on this as it evolves. I urge you to get involved in preventing these bills from becoming law! If we lose our rights, we will never get them back!


2 thoughts on “The Warrior Blog

  1. Sandy Dillman

    I posted this “table top game” on FB earlier this year, probably on the WRW page as well. These bastards won’t stop until they get their way or Jesus returns. I am beyond pissed!

    1. tami4gsd Post author

      Yes, I think I posted it too, Sandy! No, they won’t stop and it’s up to us to remain vigilant and protect ourselves. And I’m ready for Jesus any day now! I would welcome him with open arms! And I would never look behind me! Thanks for commenting!


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